
Jun 6, 2023

Barely thawed out from a harsh winter,

Am i supposed to bloom or breeze around ?

After everything,

I have so much outlet to vessel out these burdening truths,

Alas what can i do when it bottlenecked on its own,

I guess just went full autonomous, perfectly aware living in a comatose state,


Suddenly i can’t sing, refused to pitch a tune

Suddenly i can’t play the guitar, every strum hurts my palm

Suddenly i can’t draw, lines were blurred into unfathomable shapes

Suddenly i can’t write, every word became gibberish but honest,

And suddenly i wanted to live in the shadows, hiding in a cave

Until i found my peace,

Until my feet grew its roots over this state of mind,

So i’ll get better overtime




i have no idea what i'm doing right now, but, here have a piece of my mind and bear with it for awhile